How to start a review? 
Go to "Reviews & Surveys" section. Click on "New review +" tab.
A window with review settings appears. Write the name, make deadline, select reviwers & members ans choose the skill matrix. After that press "Start review" button. 

In the Review settings page find a "Self-review" tab and click on it.
If you want to perform a self-review, there is no need to choose reviewers. 

Review name and description

Members of the team will see the name of a review. You can use it to find completed reviews on a skillboard. 
If you don't create your own name for a review, it will be automatically named by the current date. For example, "September 2022".

Team mates will also see a description of a review. It will also be sent as a notification when the review starts. 

You can set privacy options for every review. 
Privacy options are set for:
  • Members (reviewees)
  • Reviewers 


For "Members" you can set privacy options on:
  • Others reviewers' scores
  • Summary score
For "Reviewers" you can set privacy options on:
  • Others reviewers' scores 
  • Self-review score
  • Summary score


You can make the results anonymous for specific groups. Anonymity depersonalizes the ratings of reviewers. Names "Reviewer 1", etc. will be displayed instead.
How to choose reviewees?

You can choose Reviewers and Members in the review settings page. Click on the yellow button with number of team employees.

To choose review members, put a checkmark in front of people in the list
The list contains employees added to the skil matrix. 
If a person's missing from the list, you can add them to the review by clicking "+" - "Invite new users". 
You'll see a new window. You can invite a member via email or from the team.
Don't forget to click on "Send invites" button.


You you want to filter the members' list, click on "Filters". 
You can filter people by:

  • Teams 
  • Positions 
  • Roles

Use filter and look at the updated list. 
You can choose several filters. 

Edit filter settings

To edit filter settings, click on it and make changes. 
Reset filter

Click on "Reset filter" button.